How to deploy from an organization's Github account to a remote server

How to deploy from an organization's Github account to a remote server

Deploying an application from a private Github repository to a remote server easily


Initiating a private GitHub repository is one of the ways individuals and companies use to restrict public access to a repository. In the case of a company, only an individual with authorized access can deploy an application to an online server thereby hindering other people in the company from doing so. Sometimes, another team member must deploy the application online especially if it is a project which the individual wants to add to a portfolio and this often seems to be a difficult task.

This article provides simple steps to follow to deploy applications from an organization's private Github repository to a remote server. This article assumes that You are familiar with the various deployment servers (Github pages, Netlify, Vercel, Heroku and so on) and does not recommend any server for the deployment of your application.

Steps to deploy a company's private GitHub repository

To deploy an application from an organization's private repository to an online server, You should do the following:

  1. Clone the private repository to your computer.

  2. Remove the .git folder in your file tree.

  3. Type git init in your terminal.

  4. Create a remote repository on your GitHub account.

  5. Connect the remote repository address to your local repository.

  6. Type git add . to stage all changes.

  7. Type git commit -m "your commit message".

  8. Type git push origin main or git push origin master depending on your default Github branch.

  9. Deploy to any remote server of your choice.


This article has outlined steps to follow to deploy applications from an organization's private Github repository to a remote server. The steps outlined are simple and easy to follow.